Page 5157 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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Clauses 17 to 22 taken together

Mr Berry: There is no issue in these. These are all just motions to delete clauses.

MR STEVENSON (9.04): Mr Berry says that these are just motions to delete clauses. I think they should be deleted. It is not just a matter of "delete clause". I think they should be out of the Bill.

Motion (by Mr Berry) put:

That the question be now put.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 15  NOES, 1 

Mr Berry Mr Stevenson
Mr Collaery 
Mr Connolly
Mr Duby
Ms Follett
Mrs Grassby
Mr Humphries
Mr Jensen
Mr Kaine
Dr Kinloch
Ms Maher
Mrs Nolan
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak
Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Clauses agreed to.

Clause 23

MR COLLAERY (9.06): I move:

That clause 23 be postponed until proposed new Part VI has been considered.

I have moved this motion so that this clause can be brought back when consideration of clause 34 is completed. I will move an amendment in relation to that clause later.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Clauses 24 to 32 taken together

MR COLLAERY (9.07): Mr Speaker, I am concerned. Could you just slow up a little bit. It is not just a matter of attending to amendments, with respect. There are issues to put on the record. Could you just slow it down a little bit.

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