Page 5152 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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Clauses 45 to 54 together.

Clauses 55 to 63 together.

Proposed new Part VI.

Clauses 64 and 65 together.

Clause 66.

Clauses 67 and 68 together.

Clause 69.

Clauses 70 to 82 together.

Clause 83.

Clauses 84 and 85.

Clause 86.

Clauses 87 to 92 together.

Clauses 93 to 95 together.

Clauses 96 to 104 together.

Clause 105.

Clause 106.

Clause 107.

Clause 108.

Clauses 109 to 122 together.

Clause 123.

Any postponed clause.

MR SPEAKER: Does everyone have a copy of Mr Berry's unsigned proposal?

Mr Stevenson: Perhaps we could have some time to look at the motion, Mr Speaker. I am halfway through the first page. It is difficult to agree or disagree - - -

MR SPEAKER: Certainly, I will allow time, as this has just been presented.

MR BERRY: The motion is built around all amendments which are before the Assembly. For example, because it seems that Mr Stevenson has no difficulty with clause 9, that clause is dealt with separately. Mr Stevenson seeks to amend clauses 10 to 14; so they are dealt with together. Mr Stevenson has no difficulty with clauses 15 and 16. He has amendments to clauses 17 to 22, and so on through the list.

MR SPEAKER: I think all members have had time to look at the motion now.

MR STEVENSON (8.36): I would be happy with most of it. I would like clauses 70 to 82 to be considered separately, also clause 116 and clauses 120 to 122. Therefore, I move the following amendment:

That (1) the words "clauses 70 to 82 together" be omitted and clauses 70 to 82 be considered separately; and (2) the words "clauses 109 to 122 together" be omitted and the following substituted: "clauses 109 to 115" "clause 116", "clauses 117 to 119" and "clauses 120 to 122".

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