Page 5148 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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That device was employed recently, as I recall. At least we could resolve the interparty issues in this Assembly. Hopefully, when Mr Stevenson sees that these tactics will not reflect well on him, I believe, the public may be able to pass some comment on it. I seek your guidance on that, Mr Speaker.

I do want to say, however, that if Mr Stevenson has, on the face of his amendments, an argument, I believe that he should not be gagged until he has made out his case. But this evening and this afternoon, I believe, he has put his argument and then repetitively argued a position in relation to the Bill. I direct your further attention, Mr Speaker, to those provisions that relate to repetitive arguments.

MR SPEAKER: Of course, Mr Stevenson would be quite entitled to debate every clause as you raise it, and I do not think the circumstances proposed will achieve much. Mr Stevenson, I put to you the feeling of the house; that maybe this is a delaying tactic. Members appreciate where you are coming from. Perhaps you could make individual points on each of these clauses as required, but keep your debate to as short as possible a time span.

Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Stevenson's) be agreed to.

The bells being rung -

MR SPEAKER: To add to my comment, while we are waiting for the bells to conclude, it is up to members to postpone clauses if you so wish; that is just a move from the floor. If you want to postpone particular clauses, that is your prerogative.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 1  NOES, 15 

Mr Stevenson Mr Berry
 Mr Collaery
 Mr Connolly
 Mr Duby
 Ms Follett
 Mrs Grassby
 Mr Humphries
 Mr Jensen
 Mr Kaine
 Dr Kinloch
 Ms Maher
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

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