Page 5133 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991
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MR KAINE: You were talking about the Industrial Relations Act of 1988 and waving it before my eyes - an Act put in place by a socialist government. The fact that it is put in place by a socialist government does not make it right. I have already asserted that, and I repeat it.
Just as women, 25 or 30 years ago, really began a movement to remove discrimination against them, someone has to start somewhere on removing discrimination against those who choose not to join a trade union. You can argue about Federal legislation as much as you want. Indeed, there is a good chance that that Federal legislation will be changed in the very near future when a Hewson government is elected to the Federal Parliament. So, to provide in our own law that this form of discrimination will be removed puts it on the books; and, come the day when other people become more enlightened and remove the discrimination from the Federal Act, our Act will already be in place.
I believe that this is a reasonable thing to do. I believe that Mr Stefaniak's proposition is a valid one, and to argue against it purely on the basis of socialist Labor, far left ideology in this place is unacceptable. I would hope that people would look at this matter with a far broader view than that, and look at it in the same context as that in which they are looking at the other forms of discrimination that we are dealing with in this Bill. I support the amendment, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker.
Question put:
That the amendment (Mr Stefaniak's) be agreed to.
The Assembly voted -
AYES, 7 NOES, 10
Mr Humphries Mr Berry
Mr Kaine Mr Collaery
Ms Maher Mr Connolly
Mrs Nolan Mr Duby
Mr Prowse Ms Follett
Mr Stefaniak Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Mr Jensen
Dr Kinloch
Mr Moore
Mr Wood
Question so resolved in the negative.
Question put:
That the clause, as amended, be agreed to.
A call of the Assembly having commenced -
Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker: Does not Mr Stefaniak have a further amendment to clause 7?
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