Page 5113 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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Mr Connolly: I take it that you are not prepared to uphold the Speaker's ruling.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, would you resume your seat, please.

MR STEVENSON: Thank you, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker.

Mrs Grassby: Why do you not dissent from the Chair's ruling?

Mr Connolly: No.

Mrs Grassby: Well, why does he not move out of the chair and let us debate it.

Mr Connolly: It is a waste of time.

MR STEVENSON: The very name - - -

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson! Resume your seat, please. Mr Connolly, that was a reflection on the Chair, and I request that it be withdrawn.

Mr Connolly: No; I said that it was a waste of time. My point of order obviously was a waste of time.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I know what you were talking about, Mr Connolly. I request that it be withdrawn.

Mr Connolly: On what grounds?

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Because I believe that it was a reflection on the Chair, and I request that it be withdrawn.

Mr Connolly: Unless you can explain why - - -


Mr Connolly: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I asked you to follow a ruling of the Speaker made earlier in which he said that in this debate, because of Mr Stevenson's express wish to delay debate, he was going to strictly draw members' attention to relevance. You refused to do so, and, on sitting down, I said that my point of order was a waste of time. It obviously was.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, I indicated that I believed that Mr Stevenson was being relevant to the debate, and I continue to adopt that point of view. In saying what you did as you sat down, you were, in fact, making an implication against my ruling, and I request that you withdraw that.

Mr Connolly: It was clearly a waste of time. You are not prepared to draw Mr Stevenson's attention to relevance, although the Speaker, when he was in the chair, was.

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