Page 5095 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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Mr Stevenson: Not for this one.

Mr Duby: That is a bad precedent, surely?

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your observation, Mr Duby.

Mr Duby: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson has withdrawn his objection in this case.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That Ms Follett's amendment to Mr Collaery's amendment be agreed to.

Question resolved in the negative.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That Mr Collaery's amendment be agreed to.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MR COLLAERY (4.15): I have a further amendment to clause 4. I move:

Page 5, line 4, in subclause (1), insert "'Religious Body' includes an assembly of persons congregated for the advancement of a belief in one or more supernatural Beings, Things, or Principles and the acceptance of canons of conduct in order to give effect to that belief but does not include an assembly of persons whose sole aim is to advance a belief or supremacy which would otherwise be contrary to the purpose and intent of this Act.".

I draw attention to the use of the words "religious practice" at clause 11 in relation to employees. I note that there has been a minor alteration there. I bring members' attention quickly to clause 32, which refers to religious bodies, and is included in Part IV of the Bill, Exceptions to Unlawful Discrimination.

Looking at clause 32, a religious body may have as a very strong aim the advancement of a belief in male supremacy, perhaps, and many women argue that much of the Christian religion supports male supremacy. I am not going to touch those delicate chords in this debate. There is an increasing conjunction with certain religious sects, particularly in the United States, which ostensibly practise a form of Christianity but have a very heavy overlay of white male supremacy.

It is my view that we need to put into the Bill a definition of "religious body". I commend the definition that has been advanced to members; but the Attorney has pointed out to me that it would be easier, and probably

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