Page 4971 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 26 November 1991

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forgetting that it has to be proactive rather than reactive and provide these facilities now rather than end up with the problems that have occurred in the past because of the failure to provide these facilities at the right time.

MRS NOLAN (10.31): Mr Speaker, I will be brief. I realise that it is getting quite late. There are a couple of points I want to make. Firstly, rather than go into detail, I endorse Mr Jensen's comments in relation to community services in South Tuggeranong. The other point that I think is important in relation to Division 140 is the matter of government housing stock and the length of time housing stock is left unoccupied when we have a long waiting list for government housing.

People are on the waiting list, they are aware of houses that have been unoccupied for some considerable time, and it is very difficult to convince them of the reasons why a house is unoccupied. I suggest to the Minister that there be an ongoing monitoring of this situation. There is much room for improvement in this area. I am aware of several houses that were unoccupied for some 14 to 16 weeks. I know that there were probably specific reasons relating to those houses, but when people are desperate for housing that is just far too long. I ask that that be continually monitored and improved.

MS MAHER (10.33): I want to put on the record some comments with regard to the cutbacks that presumably are going to occur in the licensing and funding areas of children's day care services. I have not had confirmation from the Minister that those positions will be cut, but I have heard from other sources that positions have already been relinquished. I put on record the importance of the licensing function of the family day care services area and bring to attention a question Mr Moore asked in the house last week of the Minister for Housing and Community Services. Mr Moore asked:

Do you know whether these inspections ever focus on the quality of the programs offered in the child-care centres?

Mr Connolly replied:

They certainly focus on the quality of the service in terms of whatever the child is - - -

Mr Moore interrupted him and said:

The educational level of the programs is what I am referring to.

Mr Connolly said:

I think there is probably a degree of discretion or judgment in that; and, to that extent, no. I am advised that it looks at the quality of the service.

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