Page 4928 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 26 November 1991

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lack of an appointment as the head of that particular agency. I think that that is most inappropriate. I would have thought that somebody would have been appointed to head that section.

Sport and recreation is a very important area for the ACT community. Many people participate in sport and recreational activities in the Territory. It also makes a significant contribution to the tourism industry in the Territory. It is unfortunate that for some considerable time now there has not been a head of that particular agency.

MR STEFANIAK (8.14): In relation to this matter, I think there are a number of things that the Government can still do, if it remains the Government after February - indeed, they are things that any government should do. First and foremost, it should fully implement the recommendations of the Hartung report. I am glad to see that some of them have been implemented in this budget, especially in the facilities area and the sport and recreation area. But, still, that area is spread across about three parts of the administration and is under three separate Ministers. That cannot be efficient in terms of either service delivery or, indeed, cost.

In terms of the $2.2m spent on the administration of sport and ancillary services in Canberra, if the recommendations of the Hartung report were implemented, it would probably save, at a conservative estimate, between a quarter of a million and half a million dollars. Indeed, that money could then be used for more beneficial purposes for sport and recreation.

I note that, in a tough budget, in real terms, this area has remained much the same. That is more or less in line with what was promised under the Alliance Government. I think that is sensible, when one considers the findings of the Grants Commission and the funding of sport in relation to other States and the Commonwealth. I am a little bit worried, and the Estimates Committee brought this out, as to what the Government intends with the Health Promotion Fund.

I am interested to see that the Minister does not seem to intend that the contribution to that fund be raised from 3 per cent to 5 per cent of the tobacco tax, as is the case in other States, where there is, in fact, a 50 per cent tobacco tax. I am also interested to see what he does with some of the government schemes, especially in relation to the use of that fund in relation to juvenile drinking and binge drinking. If the matter was properly addressed, some of that money going to junior sport might well be very sensibly used. It might be a very good tool for pushing that healthy message.

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