Page 4914 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 26 November 1991

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I am of the understanding that the closure of the two offices, which I understand will take place at the end of this month, will involve compensation pay-outs. In the case of the Melbourne office, the compensation pay-out will be in the vicinity of one year's rental. One year's rental is an exorbitant amount of money when we talk about the small amount that is currently given to tourism in this city. We only need to compare the funding of the States and the Northern Territory with that of the ACT to see that there is a significant difference.

It is unfortunate that $1m was removed from the budget in this financial year. Once the streamlining had taken place, expenditure could have been reduced next year, if that had to be. But I think it should not have been reduced at all. I think it is very important that the tourism industry receive additional funds, not a reduction in funds. I am sure that the consequences for us in being competitive with the rest of Australia will be seen for a long time to come. It is much more difficult to attract visitors to this city and it is much more difficult for us to be competitive with the rest of Australia, given the amount of funding that tourism currently receives.

I felt that it was important that I place those few comments on the record. It is unfortunate that that reduction has happened, and I am sure that the Labor Party will see the consequences of it.

MR COLLAERY (5.16): I want to place on record again my concerns about the Economic Development Division in the Chief Minister's Department. I am not alone in the Rally, and I am not alone in the community. Prominent people in the business community express reservations about the Economic Development Division. I am personally unconvinced that we are getting enough from the efforts of that division. I am imputing no personal criticism to the parties there, but I believe that the Economic Development Division has failed. From the time that, as Acting Chief Minister, I asked to get a small business self-help advisory service going until the present Chief Minister delivered it recently, it simply has not acted in high enough gear.

I believe that some issues must cross party lines. It is in the interest of everyone in this town to give support to the small business community. I attempted to do that last Christmas, and it did not come out of those responsible. I am unhappy about it. There were more bankruptcies and more problems, and I believe that better support could have been given to small business. The Economic Development Division has broader objectives than simply helping small business. They do make some efforts, but I am unconvinced that they take a leading role in economic policy setting.

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