Page 4912 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 26 November 1991

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I am quite happy to maintain my current motor vehicle. It gets me around. It does the job that I want it to do. I am equally happy to use my own vehicle under an appropriate system. It does not fuss me, provided I can get access to the community and provide a service. It does not worry me how I do it. I do not need a large motor vehicle, and I do not think any member in this place does. I am quite happy to continue with the current system.

In closing, I would like to make some comments in relation to the provision of facilities, staff and funding for the operation of the committee system. The committee system is fundamental to the operation of this parliament, particularly a parliament with a minority government, which I believe will be the case in the ACT for some time. It is quite appropriate because we are a single chamber and there is no review process. It is clearly appropriate for the committee system to provide a process of review. It is for that reason that I have been disappointed over the years with the amount of money allocated to committees and the number of staff being provided to enable them to get on with their work and support members. I think that is most unfortunate.

One factor always cited as necessary for parliamentary reform in any parliamentary system is proper and adequate support to enable members to go about their business and provide a service for the community. I think that some of the arrangements that have been made are quite inappropriate. I will not go into them, because they have been discussed before. Equity is required so that members can have sufficient staff to enable them to do their job, which is to represent the people of the ACT. That is what we are here for, and that is what I believe we should be provided sufficient support for.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (5.09): Mr Stevenson has raised a couple of interesting issues which I would like to respond to. It does appear, unfortunately, that Mr Stevenson is unable to tell the difference between an attendant and a contracted security guard from Wormald. I find that extraordinary. It indicates to me that he has never spoken to either of the employees in those two categories. The attendant that we had on the fifth floor and the one on the first floor in no way had a security role. I would never require that an attendant have that sort of a role. It is outrageous to suggest that. They had the general duties of reception, of getting the mail to people, organising newspapers, receiving visitors, and so on. Having said that, I should note that they are not there now. As I said, I think it is appropriate that we as Assembly members should make some effort to live with reduced funds, as we have required all other areas to do.

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