Page 4908 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 26 November 1991

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MR STEVENSON: That is not correct? As I recall it, the Labor Party had an attendant placed on the fifth floor to make sure that no-one could get in. I know that members of the Assembly could not get in. Is it that the Chief Minister has forgotten that she introduced security arrangements? I know that she has been maintaining for so long that the security arrangements were not okay. When this matter first arose, I thought, "Isn't it amazing that the Labor Party introduced the security arrangements and now they are maintaining that they are not okay? They were the very people that initiated them in this Assembly". Indeed, there was a security guard, an attendant, up on the fifth floor.

Ms Follett: He was an attendant, not a security guard.

MR STEVENSON: He was an attendant; he was not a security guard! That is a very subtle difference. That is absolutely not okay.

Mr Stefaniak: You still could not get in.

MR STEVENSON: You could not get in; that is right. He knew what he was there for - to make sure that there was security and that you could not get in. The suggestion that he was not a security guard, that he was just an attendant, is not okay and demonstrates an absolute failure to face up to the truth of the matter. It is not okay, and anybody who knows about it would think it was not okay. Tom was one of the more fit attendants and one of the larger attendants. Everyone knows full well what his instructions were. His instructions were exactly the same as those of a security guard - "You do not let anybody onto the fifth floor area where the Labor Party are, unless one of the Labor members has agreed to let him through". Is that not true?

Ms Follett: I do not think it is, is it?

MR STEVENSON: "I do not think it is", the Chief Minister says. That was the case, but the Chief Minister will certainly have an opportunity to comment. The next thing she suggested was that Mr Collaery may have been going to suggest that members should have the same motor cars as senior public servants have. I am not sure what sort of motor cars senior public servants have, but I do recall exactly the motor cars that most of the members of the Labor Party had after - - -

Mr Berry: They do not claim old Valiants on the tax system.

MR STEVENSON: It is a Malvern Star; it is not a Valiant. Once again, does the Chief Minister forget that most of the members of the Labor Party took Fairlanes after being elected? I grant entirely that the Chief Minister took a new Ford, and it was not a Fairlane. Indeed, when she took

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