Page 4849 - Week 16 - Monday, 25 November 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Collaery. I uphold that objection. Mr Berry, will you just withdraw that, so that we can get on with it.

MR BERRY: It stings a bit, I suppose; but, yes, I will withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

MR BERRY: But, Mr Speaker, the people of the ACT would not appreciate this Assembly passing a law of such significance. I think they would prefer to have the opportunity to vote in the next election and select people who might make responsible decisions. If this debate is about having this matter considered appropriately, the Government considers that appropriate consideration includes a review by the Community Law Reform Committee.

The Bill would protect the young against exploitation in the sex industry, and it would put responsibility on the workers and managers for health and safety. The compulsory use of prophylactics would also help fight HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. However, I believe that the proposed Bill considers only the role of workers and managers. It does not adequately protect the workers.

Mr Moore: The workers think it does.

MR BERRY: It does not adequately protect the workers, I said. I will go back to the previous paragraph so that you understand what I said.

However, I believe that the proposed Bill considers only the role of workers and managers. It does not adequately protect the workers. There are strict penalties where a prostitute knowingly infects a client or where a licensee knowingly employs an infected prostitute. Unfortunately, there are not similar laws relating to clients who knowingly infect a prostitute at a brothel or escort agency. This is discriminatory and does nothing to protect sex workers from such people.

Mr Moore: That is simply wrong - section 20A of the STD Act.

MR BERRY: Mr Moore will have his opportunity to speak, through the Speaker, in due course - the same as I have to. So, if he will just give me a go, we will be right.

As I stated, any legislation must be carefully considered before it is introduced. The Labor Party believes in protecting the rights and safety of workers. Workers in the sex industry are no exception. Any legislation must also include appropriate occupational health and safety measures.

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