Page 4828 - Week 16 - Monday, 25 November 1991

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Mr Connolly: Well, no; I think there is nothing wrong with it. "Untrue" is not an unparliamentary word.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, as far as I am concerned, it is an implication that the member has told a lie, an untruth. I request that you withdraw it.

Mr Connolly: If you so direct me; but I will be interested to see where there has been a precedent for "untrue" being required to be withdrawn.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, I request that it be withdrawn.

Mr Connolly: I withdraw it.


MR COLLAERY: Thank you, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. As I stood here in the chamber I thought perhaps he might be collegiate enough to allow me again just to read the brief so - - -

Mr Connolly: I offered it to you. This is outrageous.

MR COLLAERY: I am afraid, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, that it was not proffered to me. It was taken from Mr Stefaniak and it disappeared. It is as simple as that. Mr Stefaniak was in the process of asking Mr Connolly whether he minded if I read it. All I am getting to - I am sorry that this debate is degenerating - is the way Mr Connolly conducts himself at the moment. I find it unpleasant. I do not find it collegiate at all.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, in 1989 the committee reviewing Commonwealth criminal law delivered its interim report, which I referred to this morning. It again recommended legislation giving an arrested person the right to communicate with a friend or relative or a legal practitioner, and conferred the right to an interpreter. So, there is a very sound basis for the Bill before the Assembly today. I commend it to the Assembly. I am saddened that it has turned into such a divisive and unpleasant issue.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.

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