Page 4808 - Week 16 - Monday, 25 November 1991

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Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 5, by leave, taken together.

Question put:

That the clauses be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 7 NOES, 10

Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Jensen Ms Follett
Dr Kinloch Mrs Grassby
Ms Maher Mr Humphries
Mr Moore Mr Kaine
Mr Stevenson Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

Clause 6

MR JENSEN (3.04): Mr Speaker, an amendment is being prepared for circulation in my name. The proposal basically is to delete "Minister for Urban Services in relation to matters concerning" and insert "Minister responsible for traffic and safety". The reason is to pick up the point raised by Mr Kaine in relation to whether there would be a Minister for Urban Services. I am seeking to make it the Minister responsible. This was the format that we agreed on in discussions with counsel. I think it is more appropriate to give ourselves a bit of a catch-all in that area, to make sure that the Minister responsible for traffic management and road safety is required to prepare recommendations for draft variations.

Members will recall that the Conservator of Wildlife is also required to submit this information. It is written into the draft planning legislation, and I note that Mr Wood is not too worried about that.

For some reason or other, he seems concerned about the very important issue of traffic management and safety being required to be included in draft variations. If the department responsible for traffic management and safety indicated that there was not a problem, they should include

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