Page 4801 - Week 16 - Monday, 25 November 1991

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Mr Jensen: Rubbish!

MR WOOD: I can assure you, Mr Jensen, that, under the Labor Government, change, progress, movement, call it what you wish, in the ACT - call it development, if you want to use that dreadful word - will proceed with the careful scrutiny of the Minister, of the Government, of the Assembly, and of the committees, all of which - - -

Mr Collaery: Just like the Forrest bowling club.

MR WOOD: Yes, exactly. All of them have to be consulted in the process. The Rally wants to send things backwards and forwards forever, completely to put a stop in proceedings.

Mr Collaery: We believe in community consultation.

MR WOOD: Well, Mr Collaery, you did not show much evidence of it. We do also and we back that up. There is, however, one matter in Mr Jensen's Bill that we will accept, and that is clause 9, the deemed disallowance provision. The reason we accept that is simply that it is in our Bill. We see it as a sensible proposal; one based, Mr Collaery, on the concept of allowing things to be debated. It was an oversight - no, it was not an oversight; it was a deliberate rejection when you were a Minister. At no time when these matters were being considered while you were in the government did the deemed disallowance provision apply. You did not go down that path when you were in government in respect of these matters; now you seek to do so.

We overcame that gap, if you like. We see the merits of this and I applaud Mr Jensen for accepting the leadership of the ALP and now proposing to correct the omission that was there when you were in government.

Mr Jensen: It was in the original Bill, Bill. Come on. It was in the Alliance draft.

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