Page 4721 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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MR JENSEN: Do you want us to withdraw them, Mr Wood, and come back later on?

Mr Wood: I thought we said 10 minutes ago - - -

Mr Connolly: We cannot take expert advice when you come up with - - -

MR JENSEN: Do you want us to withdraw these for the moment, Mr Wood?

Mr Connolly: Yes, that would be really sensible.

MR JENSEN: I am happy to withdraw this amendment at this time and come back at a later stage. Mr Speaker, as we have already indicated, we got Mr Moore's amendments only this afternoon.

Mr Wood: We have had a bit of time to look at them.

MR JENSEN: Okay. I am quite happy, Mr Speaker, to withdraw this amendment at this stage, if that is the wish of the Assembly, provided that we can bring them forward at a later date.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, thank you, Mr Jensen.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (8.33): Mr Speaker, I regret the confusion that has again crept into the chamber tonight. I misinterpreted an earlier statement that caused the filibuster over there. I thought I had then given an assurance that we would come back to your amendments. Suddenly, these arrive under our noses. In wanting to do the best thing we can for you, I appreciate now that you will come back to these at a later stage and give us time to go on with Mr Moore's amendments and work through those. Under standing order 187, we will come back.

MR JENSEN (8.33): I seek leave to withdraw my amendment to clause 5, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Jensen, I was under the impression that you had minor amendments, not major ones.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 6 agreed to.

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