Page 4719 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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and therefore it would be subject to the definition of "environment" as it would be in that Act. I have taken that advice. I withdrew that amendment from my final set of amendments that was distributed to members.

But I do think that it is very important for us to establish what we mean by "environment". I suppose that the way we are going to have to do that is actually to produce some specific environmental legislation over the next year perhaps. I am aware that in clause 110, under "environmental impact", there is a series of definitions that cover the areas that I had referred to in my own definition. Therefore, to a certain extent it is covered. Nevertheless, Mr Speaker, I did wish to add that I felt that it would be appropriate to have that definition.

As far as legislation of this nature goes, it is also my personal opinion that all definitions used throughout the legislation ought to be in the front. Many lay people will want to read this planning legislation as time goes on. I will continue to use the term "lay people" to denote those of us who do not have formal legal training at a university. A lay person who picks up a document like this would look at the definitions. When we are going through the legislation we think, "Ah, what is controlled activity?". I flick it open and I look for "controlled activity". I go to the front of it and see that that is one of the terms defined.

That is an important factor in making legislation easy to read and making it user friendly. I leave those thoughts with you. I am delighted to see that the head of our Parliamentary Counsel's Office, who does such a good job, is here to take in my good advice, for what it is worth.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 5

MR JENSEN (8.28): Mr Speaker, are we going to deal with our amendments now or later?

MR SPEAKER: I believe that your amendments are being circulated.

Mr Moore: Yes, indeed.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, I move:

Page 4, line 12, add the following subparagraphs:

"(vii) any documentation used by an inter or intra departmental planning committee or similar group in preparing its recommendations for the Plan or a draft plan variation and shall specify the reasons for any recommendations;

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