Page 4716 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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Mr Wood: What is this for?

MR JENSEN: I am trying to give you an indication, Mr Wood, that we have been doing other things as well as preparing amendments for the Territory Plan. You are the one who brought it up, Mr Wood. You suggested that we have ample time to do this. I am suggesting to you, Mr Wood, that it has been necessary for us to concentrate on some very important issues that had timescales attached to them - the Forrest bowling club, for example. I was involved quite heavily in the Planning Committee.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Jensen, relevance, please.

MR JENSEN: I am talking about the time, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I know that, Mr Jensen, but please be relevant. You can make a statement before the house at a later stage. Come back to the clause that we are discussing, if you would not mind.

MR JENSEN: I understand that there is a slight problem with the photocopier. So, we are now going to argue about - - -

Mr Connolly: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR JENSEN: Let us now consider whether this should be 2 April.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen!

MR JENSEN: I am sorry, Mr Speaker. I did not hear the point of order from Mr "L plates" over there.

Mr Connolly: Mr Speaker, relevance is, of course, a requirement of the standing orders, and there are a number of arguments as to why an issue is relevant. I wonder whether you can explain why "the photocopier is broken" is a sufficient answer to a point of relevance.

Mr Collaery: I wish to address that point of order, Mr Speaker. I am not sure what photocopier is not working in this building. The one on our floor is a large one. It has a series of buttons, Mr Speaker, and most of us know how to use it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, members, please. We have a lot of work to do. This frivolous approach to the start of the session is hardly worth the effort. Let us get on with the issue. Please proceed, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: I am seeking to address the issue of whether it should be 2 April, whether it should be 1 January or whether it should be 1 July.

Mr Moore: We have already passed that.

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