Page 4712 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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The problem I have is that we still have a series of appeal protections that are not in place. Those have been drawn to the attention of the Assembly by the tabling by Mr Jensen of an amendment Bill which is on the notice paper. It would seem to me that with those protections in place we would not have had the problems that we have had over the Forrest bowling club, and it would be reasonable to change the date. With that in mind, having had a discussion with Mr Wood, and with that in place, I would feel much more relaxed about the date that Mr Kaine has suggested. Being aware also of the commitment in the budget as far as this goes - and it is not very great - perhaps it would be more sensible to actually set a date, as Mr Kaine has. Perhaps we could move that date to 2 April.

Mr Kaine: Not 1 April?

MR MOORE: No, 2 April is a far better day than 1 April, Mr Kaine, or, indeed, 31 March. The reason I favour both 31 March and 2 April is that my son was born on 31 March and I was born on 2 April. I think that 2 April is the ideal day. It just misses out on being foolish, and I think that is an appropriate position to be in. I speak on that with some authority. So, Mr Speaker, I move as an amendment to Mr Kaine's amendment:

Omit "1 March", substitute "2 April".

Sitting suspended from 5.38 to 8.00 pm

(Quorum formed)

MR MOORE: Mr Deputy Speaker, just prior to dinner I pointed out the advantage of 2 April over many other dates - it is the date of dates.

Mr Humphries: What is wrong with 1 April?

MR MOORE: Mr Humphries interjects "What is wrong with 1 April?". Had he been here just prior to the dinner break he would have heard me point out that it is a foolish date, and since my son has his birthday on 31 March and I have mine on 2 April we actually have it surrounded. Those in the house who know my Brenton and who know me well would understand the significance of this. Thank you, members, for not interjecting about that. I think this is a quite reasonable amendment, a good compromise, and I urge members to accept it. The amendment has been circulated.

Amendment (Mr Moore's) agreed to.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The question now is: That Mr Kaine's amendment, as amended by Mr Moore's amendment, be agreed to.

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