Page 4707 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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MRS NOLAN (5.19): Mr Speaker, who would have thought, starting off this afternoon on the detail stage, that we would spend quite so much time debating the title of the Bill. I was a member of the joint committees that looked into this legislation and reported back in April. We went through the same debate at length. I recall that the title at that stage was the "Land (Planning and Administration) Bill". I see very little difference between the word "administration" and the word "management".

Mr Kaine: There is a big difference, I can tell you.

MRS NOLAN: Well, I am sure that there is; but in terms of the title of the Bill I would much prefer to see the word "Environment". I have to say that when the title was changed as a reflection of the committees' report, I think it was probably a more appropriate title without the word "Administration", and I think it is a more appropriate title without the word "Management". I would prefer to see the Bill remain as it is titled. I hope that we are not going to end up with another untitled piece of legislation. I would urge members to get on with the debate and at least pass clause 1. There is a long way to go.

MR MOORE (5.20): I want to make a couple of comments. I am certainly not going to die, with my leg in the air, over this amendment; but I do believe that the concept of management does take into account the environment. Planning and managing our environment is very different from the sort of concept that was put across in terms of administration, and some of the issues that Mr Collaery raised.

I made it quite clear that I saw this simply as a matter of indexing, more than anything, rather than the arguments that people have put, which I largely agree with, conceptually, about dealing with the environment. It seems to me that management of our environment, of our heritage and of our land is an important part of what this Bill is about; but as I say, Mr Speaker, it is not one of those issues that I think are of such great importance that I am going to suffer a great deal of anguish over it.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 2

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (5.22): I move:

Page 1, line 11, subsection 2(2), after "Gazette" add the following words "but not later than 1 March 1993".

I think I have adequately foreshadowed in earlier debates in the Assembly that I would move to put this Act into effect as quickly as possible. That flowed from the real community concern that was expressed, particularly during

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