Page 4702 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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Mr Collaery gave us a very interesting historical overview to the Bill. That is what he claimed it was going to be, but it was more a history of a sort of the Residents Rally. I would have been happy to respond to Mr Collaery, but in fact he made very little comment at all about the planning legislation. I do not intend to get into historical debate about the Rally, so I will pass to the last speaker, Mrs Nolan.

Mrs Nolan also conceded that this was far-reaching and important legislation and an improvement on what we have at the present. She is concerned about the investigation areas, feeling, as we all do, very strongly about green space in Canberra, the future of Canberra and the need to protect our environment. She raised the question of a meeting at South Arawang recently. I do not know any of the details, although I did inquire just as she was finishing her speech. I understand that a meeting was called and that politicians who approached the organisers, suggesting that they would like to attend, were told, politely and pleasantly, that really at that stage the people did not want members of the Assembly or politicians there; that it was a community meeting. They were told, "Please, could you leave us alone at this stage?".

Mr Jensen: No, they never quite said that. They said that we could attend as long as we did not say anything.

MR WOOD: Mr Jensen, to whom I am thankful for this information, tells me that members were welcome to be present if they sat and observed.

Mr Jensen: They were told that.

MR WOOD: They were told that. I do not know whether that is the matter to which Mrs Nolan was referring. If a community group wants it that way, that is the way it ought to be. I can see no reason to argue about that matter. Mr Speaker, I thank members for their comments at the in-principle stage of this Bill. I look forward now to getting involved this afternoon and tonight in the detail stage.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clause 1

MR MOORE (5.05): Mr Speaker, I have circulated some amendments that have been prepared in my name. I move:

Page 1, line 5, omit "Environment", substitute "Management".

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