Page 4692 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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MR BERRY (Minister for Health and Minister for Sport) (4.29): No, I move the following amendment, which is about to be circulated in my name:

Omit "the Senate", substitute "a single member".

The motion will then read:

That this Assembly calls on the Federal Parliament to discard the discredited d'Hondt system and to provide a single member electoral system for the 1992 ACT Legislative Assembly elections as recommended by the Australian Electoral Commission - - -

Mr Moore: I move that that amendment be put - - -

MR BERRY: I am still speaking.

Mr Moore: I know. I have interrupted you.

MR BERRY: You cannot do two things. One is goaded to submit this amendment to ensure that the record shows that the Labor Party - - -

Mr Moore: On a point of order: I move that the amendment be put.

MR BERRY: Good on you; you have interrupted the speaker.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Debate resumed.

Mr Moore: Now that we have dealt with the adjournment, the point of order that I raise is under standing order 70. I move: That the amendment that Mr Berry has moved be now put.

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