Page 4657 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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MR BERRY: I am trying to answer the question. Yesterday I got hammered because I did not answer questions the way they wanted me to. Now I am trying to answer the questions in a way which might satisfy them and I am getting hammered again. Just lay off for a little while.

Members opposite know that there is a tight budget for the Board of Health and a very significant set of negotiations will have to be dealt with by the board in the normal management process. The board is under a lot of management pressure, and that has not been helped by the decision of the Assembly yesterday to further pressure it. The staffing levels within the hospitals will be discussed with unions. It will be helpful that the Labor Government has a special relationship with unions that will assist us in getting through that negotiation process. I am prepared to take the question on notice and examine the issue, but I am not prepared to - - -

Mr Humphries: He does not know, in other words.

MR BERRY: Mr Humphries blurts out, "He does not know, in other words". Mr Humphries, from one day to the next, did not know what was going on within the health system. He did not have a clue. He could not tell us from one day to the next how many people were working in his health system. I am not like the firebug screaming about the smoke. I am about trying to answer a question, which is becoming very difficult, given all of the interjections. I am prepared to look at the question which has been put by the Leader of the Opposition and examine the issue.

MR KAINE: I ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I appreciate the fact that the Minister will take that question on notice; but, given his statement that he has to enter into negotiations with the unions, does that mean that five months into the fiscal year no job has yet been shed in the Health Department?

MR BERRY: I think I said to the former Chief Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, that I do not have those sorts of details in front of me. I do not know how many jobs or how many job statements have been changed as a result of negotiations with the unions. I certainly will inquire into the matter, as I have indicated to the Leader of the Opposition. Our special relationship with the unions has assisted us in the negotiation process. It is a complex one. Jobs are being affected. It is serious for health workers and it is something that will take some time to complete. The Board of Health have indicated to me that they will deliver the health budget, and I am hoping that that is notwithstanding any political interference. I will examine the question that has been put by Mr Kaine and talk to him later about it.

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