Page 4634 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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what the report contains is purely a statement about the success of the parliamentary committee system, which distils contributions from all points of the political spectrum. In this instance, it is also a statement about the valued contributions of my colleagues Dr Kinloch and Mr Stefaniak, and I take this opportunity again to thank them and the committee secretariat for their unflagging effort during what proved to be a marathon inquiry.

As I pointed out in my preface to the report, the committee was privileged to witness and record the energy, enthusiasm and talent of local artists and performers. As I said then, these people make enormous contributions to the life of our city-State. On behalf of the Government - I think of all members - I thank those artists and performers for the essential spirit and vitality that they give to us all.

The Legislative Assembly established this committee in recognition of a perceived community need for a comprehensive and searching examination of the role of the arts in the ACT and the adequacy of facilities for the arts. Such an examination was also considered appropriate in view of the fact that at the time tenders were being called for the construction of a casino on section 19. And, of course, this process coincided with statements by the Government of the time that the substantial cash premium expected to be obtained from a successful casino bidder might be allocated to cultural facilities.

The Follett Government is committed to the general revitalisation of section 19 and to the protection of the existing cultural facilities on that site. There is still the prospect, however, of a casino being established elsewhere in the city, and I reaffirm the Government's pledge that the premium obtained through that process will be devoted specifically to the benefit of the community.

The final report of the select committee contains no fewer than 74 recommendations concerned variously with issues of arts funding, the provision of cultural facilities, education and youth art, consultation and development, and the like. This Government is supportive of the broad thrust of the vast majority of those recommendations, and as Minister I am pleased to be able to say that.

The Government well recognises the importance of the cultural activities and the need to nourish the flourishing cultural life of our city. We recognise that artistic and cultural activities provide significant additional benefits - culturally, educationally and economically - to the community as a whole. As well, Mr Speaker, the ACT has of late entered a new and, I believe, more mature phase of development under self-government during which the continued emergence of a distinctive community identity can be assisted by public sponsorship and guidance of the arts.

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