Page 4609 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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Mr Speaker, I will close now by reaffirming my agreement to this amendment; but I really do feel that it would be better, first of all, if there was no censure motion. It would be better if there was neither the motion nor the amendment. The outcome, one way or the other, will not be helpful for the management of hospitals and the health system in the ACT.

MRS NOLAN (5.50): Mr Speaker, very briefly, I support the amendment put forward by Mr Moore. I am pleased to see that Mr Berry has given that commitment. If Mr Berry does not bring forward those figures, I would ask Mr Kaine to pursue the censure motion a little later on. I guess that it is only a matter of days.

As Mr Jensen stated earlier in the debate, this really came about today because members were unable, either during the Estimates Committee hearings or at question time, to get appropriate answers to questions relating to the health budget and, in particular, the budget blow-out. I think it is very important that we, as members, are aware of just what is happening in that area at the moment. There is no doubt that there are many people out there in the community who are very concerned about health in this Territory. As I said a couple of days ago, people really are scared about being sick at the moment, because there are some very severe problems. At least we can monitor the situation, and I look forward to receiving those figures within the next few days.

Amendment agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Assembly adjourned at 5.53 pm

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