Page 4603 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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Mr Kaine: We are passing a motion that we require you to deliver the goods.


MR BERRY: Unless you have the guts to put on the books a motion that says, "The board shall report to this Assembly on the 20th - - -

Mr Collaery: But that is interfering. We have no wish to interfere that way. We want you to do your job.

MR BERRY: You want me to interfere in it and for you to just sit back and fire away. Well, no. If you want to be notified about the board's position every month, you move a motion in here, and carry it by a majority, that you want those figures every month.

Mr Moore: I have one that I am about to move.

MR BERRY: Then you move it.

Mr Kaine: It will not wash, Wayne, and you know it.

MR BERRY: No, you will not do it, either, because you have not the courage. If you have the guts to do it, get out and do it. Do not play games with me. Your censure motion, Mr Kaine, is meaningless unless you are prepared to do that. That is what this is about. This is about the monthly figures of the Board of Health; nothing else. It is about the price you have to pay if you are effective. The Labor Government is effective. Labor was effective in opposition. It blew you apart. This is the price we have to pay when we have not got the numbers. That is the price we are prepared to pay. If you want figures from the Board of Health, okay, put up a motion that you demand them to be here by a certain date in every month, and the Government will consider that and - - -

Mr Humphries: You will ignore it, probably. You will ignore it like you ignored the liquor inquiry. It is too hard for you.

MR BERRY: No, no, no. Put the motion up. You will not put it up.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, your time has expired.

MR MOORE (5.31): It will be my pleasure to put that motion up. The form that it will take has been circulated to members. I will read from the note that I have circulated to members:

Amendment to Mr Kaine's motion following the commitment of Mr Berry to provide the monthly Health Board budget information on the motion of the Assembly.

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