Page 4601 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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(c) to provide for the planning and evaluation of health services, including services provided by persons or bodies (whether or not incorporated) other than the Board;

(d) to provide, as appropriate, for the training and education of persons providing health services;

(e) to make available to the public reports, information and advice in relation to health of the community and the availability of health services.

(2) In addition to the functions of the Board conferred by subsection (1), the Board as such has such other functions as are conferred on it under this or any other Act.

(3) The Board shall perform its functions in accordance with any directions by the Minister.

(4) The Board shall -

(a) give the Minister such information relating to the operations of the Board as the Minister requests; and

(b) if requested by the Minister - submit proposals to the Minister regarding the nature and extent of the future operations of the Board.

That clearly sets out that the board is a management board, and it ought to be left to do its job. I today tabled the annual management report of the Board of Health. Members of this Assembly will be able to draw from that a range of material upon which they might wish to base questions which they can put to me and which I may provide answers to.

The real issue here, it seems, is whether or not I should provide monthly reports on the board's management and financial reports. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, if this Assembly is fair dinkum, if that is what they really want, let us see an amendment to the Health Services Act requiring the board to report to this Assembly monthly. Let us see it, if you are fair dinkum. If you are not playing politics, let us see it. You will not do that, because you are playing politics.

That is what this is all about. You are not serious about it. If you want the Board of Health to provide you with monthly reports on its financial position, put it in the legislation. You reckon that you have the numbers for the censure motion; so you ought to have the numbers for that. You are not serious about it if you are not prepared to move an amendment to the Act to require the board to report to you along the lines along which you are asking me to report.

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