Page 4592 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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starting to be a blow-out in the health budget, then Mr Berry should say to us openly, "These are the figures that we have. There appears to be a problem. These are the strategies that are recommended by the Board of Health for getting this under control. These are what I have accepted", or "This is what I have done in order to encourage the board to continue with its management".

But we are asking for information; we are asking for open government; we are asking you to keep to your promise of open government. It is a very simple thing. I do not give a stuff what Jim Service said about - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, I would ask you to withdraw that.

MR MOORE: I happily withdraw it, Mr Speaker. It surprises me that you are worried about it; but I feel very strongly about the fact that Mr Service can say to the Assembly, "We are not going to give you information. We do not want to give you information". I really could not care less about that. I hope you find that more acceptable, Mr Speaker. This Assembly has a responsibility to the citizens of the ACT to ensure that our budget is managed appropriately, and we have given this Labor Government the role, for the time being, of taking care of that as far as the executive government goes.

That we still wish to monitor what is going on is perfectly appropriate and perfectly adequate. If Mr Berry can now see the sense of this and is prepared to agree to provide those figures, then I would be prepared to withdraw my support of this censure motion. However, I believe that it is entirely appropriate that he be censured for his response to this question. Mr Berry, you have got it wrong. We want this information; you should provide this information. It is appropriate that you provide this information in response to a question. It ought not require - - -

Mr Berry: Get a motion in the Assembly.

MR MOORE: Mr Berry interjects, "Get a motion in the Assembly". Mr Speaker, I think that is a good idea, and I am sure it will be done after a censure motion is carried. Alternatively, Mr Berry may, even now, assure us that he will provide that information following a motion of the Assembly. I give him the opportunity to respond now. If Mr Berry says, "I will provide that information following a motion of the Assembly", then I will withdraw my support for this censure motion. In fact, I would not be surprised if Mr Humphries was prepared actually to withdraw the censure motion on that basis.

It is appropriate that the information be provided to members of the Assembly. It is appropriate that at question time we be given straight answers to the questions that we ask. I urge Mr Berry, in his response, to take this opportunity to turn it back on Mr Humphries and say,

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