Page 4562 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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On 26 November, at the Tuggeranong Hyperdome, I will be attending the "ACTION Spot" - I think that is a place in the Hyperdome - to help the society promote the "Spot the Difference" message. There will be a group of dancers and some differently spotted costumes to highlight the theme. I understand that a group of Dalmatian dogs wearing spotted outfits will be there. It is all about promoting the "Spot the Difference" campaign.

The ACT Government strongly supports the society's initiatives. Skin cancer awareness is an important community program and needs to be taken seriously by all Canberrans. Skin cancer is one of the most serious health problems we face, especially in the light of scientific reports of serious depletion of the ozone layer - which may be challenged by Mr Stevenson, but not very successfully, I suspect. That ozone layer provides us with protection from the upper atmosphere all over Australia.

Consequently, Mr Speaker, Australians generally and Canberrans in particular need to heed the warnings given by the medical and scientific communities and take preventative steps to minimise the personal risk of contracting skin cancer. I would encourage all members to support Skin Cancer Awareness Week and to encourage their constituents to listen to the "Spot the Difference" message. I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

MR COLLAERY (3.30): Mr Speaker, I would like to take the opportunity to make a couple of brief comments. I am very pleased to hear this statement from Mr Berry. I know that he is sincere in his statements. He practises the wearing of hats and staying out of the sun, and he even dodges question time. He mentioned the Cancer Society. I simply want to put in a small plug for the society. I do not believe that they have a lot of money at the moment. They are in rented accommodation, as Mr Berry knows, out in Curtin.

Mr Berry: The same rented accommodation they were in when you were in government.

MR COLLAERY: I am aware of that. Mr Berry interjects and says that it is the same accommodation. I am well aware of that. I ask Mr Berry, on behalf of all Canberrans, to give particular attention to the needs of the society, in terms of accommodation and recurrent funding, during the December grants process.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Nolan) adjourned.

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