Page 4517 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 20 November 1991

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very sensible proposition and one that would be well supported in Canberra's climate. The construction of townhouses is very popular in Canberra today; nobody denies that. From memory, I think they have something like 40 per cent of the market now. It is an area of high demand. So, the proposal, to convert an outdoor rink into an indoor one and to build townhouses, is sensible. Of course, we have to ensure that it is soundly planned, and I have no doubt that that will be the case. Plans were amended - not to Mr Jensen's satisfaction - as a result of the process of consultation. He was not satisfied that they were amended enough, although, I suppose, if you are against a proposal nothing would be enough.

The Chief Minister has stated emphatically, and I will state it again today, Mr Collaery, that this is not going to be a convention centre. We will see to it that in no way can it be thus used. Certainly, it will be a social centre, and it can be legitimately used for that purpose. The suggestion that somehow the bowling green could be changed to seat a large number of people may be true. The possibility is there, but we will remove that possibility in the requirements that we place on the club.

On its own, let me repeat, separated from any other community consideration, this is a sound proposal; I do not think anybody will contest that. It has been made clear that due process has been followed. It was out in the public arena; it was amply debated. The Assembly's committee looked at that process and determined that all proper actions were followed; there was no problem with those. So, in the consideration everything was done properly. In the end, it comes back to a simple matter of judgment. I think all members will agree that the essence of this argument is: Is this proposal suitable for that suburb of Forrest, and perhaps that particular part of that suburb? Does this proposal belong in Forrest? Would we be having the same argument if the proposal were for Kambah, or my suburb of O'Connor, or Mr Moore's suburb of Reid?

Mr Moore: You bet you would.

MR WOOD: Mr Moore said that we would. This raises a most interesting question which relates to many of our arguments on planning changes, and that is location. I maintain that I would put nothing into the suburb of Forrest that I would not put into the suburb of O'Connor or, to put it the other way round, if it is good enough for O'Connor it is good enough for Forrest. (Extension of time granted) Our suburbs in Canberra have generally been designed, and in recent years have always been designed, to cover all spectrums of society. There have been some exceptions to that, but in general Canberra is planned as an egalitarian society. I have never heard any argument about that, except maybe when residents of Reid get a little stirry about some matters, or residents of Forrest in this case.

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