Page 4493 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 19 November 1991

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Mr Berry: No, there was no confusion.

Mr Humphries: There was plenty of confusion, I can assure you. Mr Speaker, I think it was quite clear that Mr Connolly's amendment was successful and that therefore - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. You have ruled in favour of the noes and we should proceed now to deal with the - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! There was certainly confusion and I was surprised at the result of the vote. The Assembly has voted that the amendment not go ahead.

Mr Duby: This is outrageous. If this is what you are trying to achieve - - -

Mr Connolly: I always said that we wanted to keep the original title.

Mr Duby: The amendment that you moved was to change it to Equal Opportunity Bill.

Mr Humphries: You are using a trick to get what you want. You are not going to get away with it. We will just come back to it and do it later.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Humphries! Mr Duby! The situation is that you can move to review this clause at a later date, if you so wish. But at this time the clause is being put. The question is: That clause 1 be agreed to. Are you all clear on that? The question is: That clause 1 be agreed to.

Mr Humphries: Is this the amendment as agreed to?

MR SPEAKER: No amendments. This is the clause. There are no amendments.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, you have gone back one step and I thank you for having done that.

MR SPEAKER: No, I have not. The question is: That clause 1 be agreed to. The question is that the clause as presented in the Bill be agreed to. Members, could I inform you that if you vote against the name of this Bill you will kill the Bill. What I am saying to you is that you can agree to this name at this time, clause 1 as presented, and you can review it later in the detail stage.

Mr Kaine: We would rather have it with no name and then come back and review it.

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