Page 4446 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 19 November 1991

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have to be paid for. I consider the uneven floors to be extremely hazardous, particularly in view of the fact that senior citizens are members of this club. The possibility of accidents occurring is becoming more likely as conditions get worse in this building.

The bowling club or, indeed, any sporting facility is no good to anyone if it cannot be used. I do not need to remind the members here about Canberra weather. I believe that an indoor bowling green would be an excellent addition to the already fine sporting facilities that Canberra offers. Canberra bowling enthusiasts would be able to make full use of such a bowling green at all times. The fact that there is a tennis club next door is very good and that club should remain, but I think there should be a bowling facility in that area. An indoor bowling green could be used for matches in the evening as well as in wet or cold weather. In fact, we could say that it would enable a more efficient use of the club's resources.

I must say that I am pleased to be able to support the report, which contains a compromise that was reached after consideration of all purposes. This willingness to compromise is evidenced by the fact that the proposal, I understand, was originally for 32 townhouses but is now for 26. However, it is not for us to make a decision on how many should be built on the site. The relocation of the actual clubhouse was reconsidered, and the proposed access to the new clubhouse was changed after careful consultation with the residents who were concerned. At no time has it been apparent to me that there has been less than a willingness to consult or to discuss any matter with the Forrest residents.

Mr Jensen wants the Planning Committee to make the laws. We cannot make the laws in the Planning Committee. It is out of the jurisdiction of the committee to do this, and it is not part of the law of the Territory. We really cannot be part of this. Mr Jensen knows better than to make that statement.

I feel that all care has been taken. As I have said, and as the chairman of the committee has said, it is not up to us to decide what redevelopment takes place on the site; that is a decision that comes before we perform our role. I cannot see any use for the clubhouse as it is. I can see it falling apart very fast. I will not even be polite about it - it is a dump. If the greens cannot be kept in good condition and the clubhouse is a dump, the club will lose members. Therefore, I think something should be done about it. I do not think that you should remove the bowling club from that area. It was the very first. It has been known as a bowling club for many years, and there should be a bowling club in Forrest.

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