Page 4434 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 19 November 1991

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us out of our dilemma, I propose that we sit on a date to be fixed. We can then all go away from this place and sort things out so that we can get a sensible solution, rather than playing politics on this issue.

Mr Kaine: And if Mr Berry had done that in the first place, we would not have been having this debate.

Ms Follett: Oh my! Settle down, Trevor.

MR CONNOLLY: Just settle down, Leader of the Opposition. We seem to have a sensible solution that has come - - -

Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. The Chief Minister took great exception only a few minutes ago to the use of her first name in this debate. She just used Mr Kaine's first name.

Ms Follett: I beg your pardon. Settle down, Mr Kaine. I take it back.

Mr Humphries: I would ask that she withdraw, as she was asked to withdraw on Monday.

MR SPEAKER: It has already been done. Please proceed, Mr Connolly.

MR CONNOLLY: Thank you, Mr Speaker.

Mrs Nolan: Just adjourn the debate.

MR CONNOLLY: I do not think that adjourning the debate would have the same effect, because it would still lock us into the Friday in the original resolution. If we filibuster further, we are locked into sitting on Friday of this week, when the Chief Minister will be away. As has been said, the Chief Minister represents the Territory. Ms Follett now represents the Territory and up until a few months ago Mr Kaine represented the Territory. So, we really cannot sit on Friday.

Mr Kaine: And will again.

MR CONNOLLY: We do not think we will see that day. Even the pamphlet does not have you - but we will not go into the pamphlet.

My amendment is a sensible proposal which will clearly vacate this Friday and, rather than locking us into Monday, allow the party leaders - the increasing number of them that there is - to get together and sort out a date on which we can all agree. It is a sensible solution. We can get onto what some people may think is trivial business before this house but which, for heaven's sake, is the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Bill - a landmark piece of legislation which we really ought to be debating rather

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