Page 4431 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 19 November 1991

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date that everyone agrees on. Motions that say that we shall sit on Monday or we shall sit on Friday or whatever, forcing people to come to this Assembly whether they wish to or whether they do not, frankly, are worse than kindergarten.

I am most disappointed that an acceptable sitting day has not been arranged between the relevant people. My diary can be adjusted to whatever date suits the majority of members of this Assembly. The simple fact remains that some people here are being recalcitrant. The word "churlish" has been thrown back and forth across this chamber. I think there are many people on both sides of this house who are behaving in a most churlish fashion on this matter.

I support the motion, as proposed by Mr Berry, that the date of the 22nd be removed. If it appears that the 29th is not acceptable to a large number of people, for goodness sake let us get rid of the 29th. If it appears that the 25th is not acceptable, let us get rid of the 25th. What is wrong with the week after? For those five days this parliament is not due to sit at all, and people can have as many private members' days as they wish.

I am most disappointed in the antics of the house. I am, frankly, between a rock and a hard place. If I support Mr Berry's motion, it means that I am forcing people to come next Friday; if I support Mr Collaery's amendment, it means that I am forcing the Government to put off something they want to do next Monday. Surely, there must be a sensible consensus view that can be reached.

MR MOORE (8.15): Mr Speaker, in my original motion I proposed that the date be the 22nd. That was done after discussion with all members of the Assembly. At that stage, of course, we were not aware that a Premiers Conference was going to be scheduled for that date, although Ms Follett did say to me that that was a possibility. As I recall our conversation, I indicated that I would be prepared to change the date in my motion so as to allow for the Premiers Conference. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr Duby. It would be inappropriate for us to meet at a time when the Chief Minister was representing the ACT, and all of us, at a Premiers Conference. That we are agreed on.

On Friday afternoon, when we had a pre-sitting meeting with Mr Berry on the fifth floor, this matter was discussed and these dates were checked through. We tried for the 25th and tried for the 29th. We went back and forward looking for different dates. It seemed at the time that, although every day caused major problems, the date that caused least problems was the 29th.

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