Page 4326 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 October 1991

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Ms Follett: Can I get an answer first?

Mr Humphries: I am making the point of order, Mr Speaker, that the inference that Mr Berry is drawing by making his second statement is that this particular officer has been victimised because he was involved in a school campaign. Those two matters were mentioned in tandem by Mr Berry, with the clear inference - and the "questions must be asked" comment would support that - that the two were connected in my mind. That is an unparliamentary inference, and it must be withdrawn.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I will just add to this debate: If Mr Humphries is prepared to withdraw the statement that he made on radio today that questions need to be asked of the Government about a certain person knowing government members, then I am prepared to withdraw what he is on about. He will not do that because it is a smear campaign.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, I ask you to make him withdraw.

MR BERRY: I have nothing to withdraw, Mr Speaker. I have withdrawn it.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I hereby warn you that if you do not withdraw - - -

MR BERRY: Withdraw what?

MR SPEAKER: Withdraw the inference that you have placed on Mr Humphries' character.

MR BERRY: Which inference is that, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I am sure that it is quite clear to the rest of us.

MR BERRY: It is not clear to me.

MR SPEAKER: The point is that you have implied that Mr Humphries has connected two unrelated issues, in my mind, for the purpose of a political point of view. I do not believe that that is valid without a substantive motion on this issue. The situation is that you have accused Mr Humphries of some underhand behaviour, and I think that is improper.

Mr Jensen: Improper motives.

MR BERRY: I think that is correct. Somebody yelled out "improper motives" across the floor. They probably know more about it than I do.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, he is making a mockery of this chamber. I ask you to name him.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I am waiting for this last word from Mr Berry.

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