Page 4281 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 October 1991

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I note, too, your comments in relation to the types of entertainment some of the traders are thinking of. Maybe it will drive away some young people. I suppose you could have various types of music to attract various types of people on various nights, thus providing a wide diversity of entertainment which will cater for all tastes. I think that is also important in terms of rejuvenating the city so that everyone - young people, middle-aged people, and old people - feels happy to use it and they have something they can go to on certain nights, should they wish to.

Despite the fact that Canberra is a city which has various town centres, I suppose the outer suburbs are very much dormitory suburbs. People do tend to stick in their own area. The city centre, although it is recognised very much as a city centre, is not utilised nearly enough as such; and that is a problem, I think, especially when one talks about tourism and encouraging tourists to stay in Canberra.

My party was very keen to see some sort of casino up and running because that would be another way of keeping people in Canberra for perhaps one extra night. Apart from that, other forms of entertainment such as you suggested, Mr Stevenson, also need to be looked at. It is cheap. People do not necessarily have to spend much money to go to an outdoor concert or just sit around in sidewalk cafes in Garema Place, if something is happening which they can relate to. It helps make our city live.

Canberra does have a soul. I think that has been amply demonstrated at various times; in more recent times, of course, by the success of such excellent sporting teams as the Canberra Raiders. But we have a soul over and above that. I think it is important for places such as Garema Place to have something done to rejuvenate them and to show people that there is a heart in Canberra, that there is something for people to do. This does help Canberra's soul. It helps our image as a cosmopolitan city, which is something that we are lacking in at present. So, Mr Stevenson, I think your MPI is a very good one and I wholeheartedly support it.

I think both governments have done bits and pieces, but I think a hell of a lot more needs to be done. I take this opportunity to put in a plug for my private member's Bill, which will help, and I am grateful for your support, Mr Stevenson. I encourage the Government to look at what they can do. As you say, Mr Stevenson, this does not cost much money. In fact, this is probably revenue neutral and it is something the traders themselves can do. I think they deserve encouragement for this idea and it is something that is worthy of consideration by this Assembly and this current Government.

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