Page 4269 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 October 1991

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MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, a lot of detail is required in response to Mr Jensen's question. If he had given me that question before the Assembly sat, I would have been able to give him all of the detail that he requires. But I can tell him that the Government made a sensible decision about that swimming centre in the context of the budget, and we are able to provide a less expensive pool than the one that was to be provided by the former Government. The Government recognises the pressing need for the extra swimming facilities at Tuggeranong. It was Labor that first identified that issue, and we are proud to have proceeded with the matter.

We are also committed to ensuring that we provide facilities that meet community requirements. It seems that Mr Jensen is not interested in community requirements; he is interested only in a particular sport, and that requires a 2.2-metre deep pool. Other people will have to use the facility, but we will also cater for the sport that requires a depth of 2.2 metres. He has it wrong; it is not two metres.

We are also committed to ensuring that those community facilities are well located and that the community is well satisfied with the facility when it is completed. We have to maximise the value that we get from within the budget. The responsibility to meet this commitment involved a review of the project requirements and design proposals, including a re-examination of community requirements and concerns and the budget. Part of this process included a value management study to evaluate all aspects of the swimming centre requirements.

Mr Speaker, I can say that construction is due to commence in January next year and is scheduled for completion in 1993. It is a facility which is being delivered to the people of Tuggeranong, something that could not have been delivered within a responsible budget by the former Government at the level which they had promised. It was a promise that they could not have kept if they had delivered a responsible budget for the Territory.

Mr Jensen raised the issue of national standards of some sort in relation to swimming meets. I am sure that this facility will provide a standard which will satisfy the community and those sports swimmers who need to use it.

MR JENSEN: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker: In light of the Minister's answer, is it not correct that the community steering committee that provided input into the preparation of the design brief recommended that a constant-depth pool be constructed?

MR BERRY: Gee, a trick question from Norm! Yes, one of the options looked at by the Government was a more expensive, even-depth, 2.2-metre pool.

Mr Jensen: That is only the main pool, Mr Berry.

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