Page 4265 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 October 1991

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MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I again go to the issue of the Liberals trying to attack an ambulance officer. It is the same line of questioning, so I should have mentioned this - - -

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I made it quite clear that my question was aimed at finding out why the Minister is not on top of the procedures in his department. If he is going to continue this attack on me, instead of dealing with his own problem, I think you should take control of the situation.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine.

MR BERRY: I am glad that he clarified his question. He is asking me whether I am on top of the procedures within my department. I am on top of them - - -

Mr Kaine: I asked you a couple of specific questions which I would like answered.

MR BERRY: You qualified it, and I will answer it in the way that you have interpreted your own question. I am, indeed, on top of the procedures in my department.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, this is scandalous!

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Kaine, please! You do not have leave to speak unless you are raising a point of order.

Mr Kaine: Well, I raise the point of order, Mr Speaker: This Minister is quite scandalous.

MR SPEAKER: Order! That is not a point of order. Mr Kaine, please resume your seat.

MR BERRY: I am on top of the procedures in my department in relation to the investigation of potential disciplinary charges. In this case an ambulance officer was investigated, and a question was raised about whether disciplinary action was necessary or not.

Also, a complaint was dealt with in relation to Mr Harris, who made certain allegations against that ambulance officer - allegations which, of course, could not be proved. The ambulance officer had a different story and, of course, his story could not be proved. The recording equipment which the previous Government had not provided for the Ambulance Service was provided by this Government, to ensure that we do not have those sorts of problems again.

In relation to the ambulance officer concerned, I am not going to breach his right to natural justice by dealing with - - -

Mr Humphries: He is not on trial.

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