Page 4238 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 October 1991

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MR MOORE: I would ask Mr Collaery to seek leave to correct that spelling error and remedy that small problem. The thrust of the amendment that Mr Collaery has put is quite appropriate, Mr Deputy Speaker, and I am quite happy to support it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Collaery, Mr Moore has just pointed out a typo. Perhaps you would like to seek to amend that by leave.

MR COLLAERY (11.29): Yes, Mr Deputy Speaker. I seek leave to move that that typo be corrected and put into proper English.

Leave granted.


Omit "assembly", substitute "assemble".

At this juncture, I thank the Clerk of the Assembly for arranging the typing of this in a matter of a few seconds the other night, during the debates.

The amendment appears likely to be carried. I commend it to members. It means that the events that happened in South Australia are less likely to happen in the future. It means that the constituent governments in this country will have a better briefing and a better knowledge of the NCA's operations, but in such a fashion as not to curtail the operational integrity of the NCA.

It is a rare Western democracy, in fact it is a rare democracy, Mr Deputy Speaker, that will allow an agency of this kind untrammelled rein and untrammelled activities. The Federal Parliament has effective defence and foreign affairs and ASIO scrutiny committees, and there is no reason why, in supporting scrutiny, the Attorney-General of this Territory should not be aware, from time to time as required, of the nature of evidence assembled within our Territory in relation to matters touching our Territory.

This amendment was placed into the Federal Act. It has been missed, apparently, by our government law advisers. I am pleased that they acknowledged that it should go in, because we are replicating a repealed section of the old National Crime Authority Act. It may require subsequent tidying up because, of course, like the Attorney, I have had very little time to look carefully at this provision.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment, as amended, agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 7 to 20, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

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