Page 4205 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 23 October 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES (5.09): I seek leave to make a statement concerning the ACT Ambulance Service.

Leave not granted.


That so much of standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Humphries from making a statement concerning the ACT Ambulance Service.

Mr Berry: Are you going to speak to it?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Are you going to speak to it?

MR HUMPHRIES: I have already spoken to this matter, Mr Deputy Speaker. I do not believe that I need to speak again on the matter.

MR COLLAERY (5.09): Mr Deputy Speaker, early in the day I indicated that the Rally had not had notice of this motion. I wish to - - -

Mr Berry: Is there a motion now?

MR COLLAERY: No. I refer to Mr Humphries' intention to move a motion on this matter. I wish to formally apologise to the house. Mr Humphries reminded me that he had mentioned the matter to me yesterday and I had nodded and agreed to it, and I accept his word on it. I had completely forgotten that event. I apologise to the house. I meant no deliberate action to mislead the house when I said that we had not been informed of it.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (5.10): Again, Mr Deputy Speaker, Mr Humphries has not bothered to speak to the Government about this matter. His contempt for the practices of the Assembly is starting to show through. It strikes me that what ought to have happened is that the failed former Minister for Health should have contacted - - -

Mr Humphries: Mr Deputy Speaker, I raise a point of order. Mr Berry is misusing his prerogative to speak on this motion to suspend standing orders. The motion is about whether I may make a statement on the Ambulance Service, not about whether I am a failed former Minister for Health or whatever.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is a bit of political rhetoric, Mr Humphries. I am not overly concerned about that, but you should come back to the point, Mr Berry. Let us not have too much rhetoric.

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