Page 4167 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 23 October 1991

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which is something that he has not been prone to do over recent days in relation to health matters or the Ambulance Service, or he can try to bring on substantive motions, indeed legislation, under private members' business - something which he has not bothered to do in relation to this matter. It is a joke for Mr Humphries to suggest that this is a matter of such urgency as would require a suspension of standing orders that would interfere with the Government's legislative program.

If members opposite want to play around in this way, then they have to expect that the business of the Government will go on well into the night when the need arises. Mr Humphries is playing games. He should be serious about the matter. If he wanted to bring the matter on today, he ought to have consulted with the Government today and discussed the need to bring the matter on today. He did not do that, and the Government will not be supporting the motion to suspend standing orders. He can raise the matter in private members' business next week or in question time tomorrow.

MR COLLAERY (3.15): We have a great deal of sympathy for Mr Humphries in what he is attempting to do, but at the same time - - -

Mr Berry: We do not know what he is attempting to do.

MR COLLAERY: You would do well to keep quiet, Mr Berry, for a moment. At the same time there is an MPI listed. People have come to hear the debate on this MPI. They are in the public gallery. I think, on the balance of public convenience, we should proceed to the MPI. Bearing in mind the fact that Mr Kaine made great play this morning about not being told about something, I need to say that our party Whip, Mr Jensen, was not aware of this. There may have been some communication problem.

I do not want to take any points off Mr Humphries on this matter; but, given the media time plans and the fact that there is a matter of extreme public importance ready to be debated, I believe that we should proceed to the MPI. We might entertain Mr Humphries' request later in the day, but perhaps the same arguments may apply then also. An important planning debate which we have all known about for weeks is coming up today. The problem is simply a matter of communication. Of course, if we had the Opposition led in any way, we would have known where we were; but we do not.

Question resolved in the negative.

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