Page 4146 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 23 October 1991

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Motion (by Ms Maher) put:

That the debate be now adjourned.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 7  NOES, 10 

Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Jensen Ms Follett
Dr Kinloch Mrs Grassby
Ms Maher Mr Humphries
Mrs Nolan Mr Kaine
Mr Stevenson Mr Moore
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR COLLAERY (12.13), in reply: Mr Speaker, I thank members for contributing to this debate. It was, contrary to what my colleague Mr Kaine said, a very important debate. It set on the record a number of assertions and matters which are very important to those members on this side of the house who are not part of the Liberal or Labor parties. I exclude from that Mr Moore, whose satellite is threatening at the moment to run into the stratosphere of the Liberal-Labor Party and land. He is so close to them on most issues. For the rest of us, it is most important to have had that vote. I thank Ms Maher for calling for the adjournment and I thank my colleagues for assisting to bring out even further the Liberal-Labor coalition in this house.

Mr Speaker, there are some fundamental flaws in Mr Humphries' argument. They were adequately elucidated by my colleague Dr Kinloch, and I will not go further. An opposition is what it is in name. I suggest that most of the people who observe these proceedings know where the opposition lies. They know how the Liberal Party came to be elected by the Labor Party to lead the opposition. They know that. So does the Canberra public. You have only to look in the column "On Page Three" today to see the more extreme manifestations of that.

Mr Speaker, the Legislative Assembly (Members' Staff) Act provides that all members, including executive members, may employ staff under Part III in accordance with conditions set by the Chief Minister. Office-holders in the Act are defined as being the Ministers and the Speaker, and they may employ additional staff under Part II of the Act. But, by section 4, the Chief Minister may determine that a member who has special parliamentary duties should be treated as an office-holder and should also be entitled to employ extra staff under Part II.

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