Page 4111 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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Mr Moore's Bill is essentially the same as a Bill introduced by Ms Follett in June last year in that it seeks to retain the Royal Canberra Hospital. Standing order 200 provides:

An enactment, vote, resolution or question, the object or effect of which is to dispose of or charge any public money of the Territory shall not be proposed in the Assembly except by a Minister. Money proposals may be introduced by a Minister without notice.

Having considered the matter, I have concluded that the Bill does contravene standing order 200 as its effect would be to dispose of or charge the public money of the Territory. I therefore call on the Deputy Chief Minister to move the appropriate motion under standing order 170.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (10.43): I intend to indicate to the Assembly that I will not be moving such a motion because of the very clear position that the Labor Party has taken in relation to this type of legislation. We intend to stand by our principles on that matter. We will be consistent with our view on that score.

I suggest, Mr Speaker, that Mr Collaery might have a position in relation to the matter. One wonders whether he might be consistent with his behaviour on the matter in the past.

MR SPEAKER: Is there any other member who wishes to move that motion?

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. You may recall the time that I introduced that Bill. The initial move I made was for the suspension of standing order 200 to allow me to introduce that Bill. That was the methodology I used at the time. At that time members indicated that they would prefer that I table the Bill and allow you to follow the normal procedure. I see clearly now that the original methodology I adopted was a far better way to deal with the issue.

At the same time, I appreciate the stance that Mr Berry has taken. The Labor Party clearly argued against this use of the standing order when they were in Opposition. I would urge members not to have this Bill withdrawn and not to move under standing order 170.

Mr Duby: What are you going to do?

Mr Moore: I am not going to do anything.

Mr Berry: He is not going to do anything. We are going to wait and see whether one of you members stand by what - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! It is apparent that there is no mover for that motion.

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