Page 4047 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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facing here today. The Government has contempt for the Opposition. It has decided that the best approach is to give no information out to those opposite; give them nothing to run on, and that will be the way in which they will stay in government until the end of the - - -

Ms Follett: I take a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. I do not think that this is relevant. If you should rule that it is, then I object to the word "contempt". I do not think that any of us has displayed contempt at all and I think it should be withdrawn.

MR HUMPHRIES: I withdraw the word "contempt" and use "complete disdain". They have complete disdain for those on this side of the Assembly. (Extension of time granted)

There is complete disdain by those opposite for the process of interrogation which goes on at question time, both in the Assembly and in the Estimates Committee. They have a completely negative attitude towards providing information. They say time and again to this house, "We do not care what the Westminster tradition is with respect to giving information. We have decided that we would rather answer questions outside this place than in this place, and that is the basis on which we are going to refuse to give you information".

Mr Berry: When did I say that? I have never said that. I take a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker.

MR HUMPHRIES: You have not said it; I have not said that you said it. But you have certainly exemplified it. Mr Deputy Speaker, those people opposite have said in their actions and their words, time and again, that they do not give a stuff about what happens in this place.

Ms Follett: I take a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. Apart from the - - -

MR HUMPHRIES: I withdraw "stuff", Mr Deputy Speaker.

Mr Duby: A tinker's cuss.

MR HUMPHRIES: Thank you, Mr Duby. They do not give a tinker's cuss for what happens in the Assembly. In fact, the other day - I will give a good example - Mr Berry provided information by way of a press release before he provided it to the secretary of the Estimates Committee. He does not care what happens in the Estimates Committee or in this place. He would rather parade outside to the general public and to the media than come and do his duty in this place to give information to this Assembly.

Mr Berry: What are you talking about?

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