Page 4042 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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Ms Maher was under no misapprehension. She knew exactly what the Government's position was. Mr Duby knew exactly what the Government's position was. He knew precisely what the Government's position was.

Mr Duby is miffed because of the performance of Mr Connolly in question time. That is what this is about. Mr Connolly's superior performance has miffed Mr Duby. What Mr Duby has had is a lesson in public speaking. This is about antagonism, and vindictiveness; no more than that. It is not about the issues as they occurred, and it should be.

Any of the members opposite who choose to support this silly motion of censure will have to wear the responsibility for taking such a silly position. It is silly. Any selective reading of the Hansard, particularly of the Estimates Committee, could result in some misinterpretations, some humorous and some not so humorous, as is the case of this one. I will just give you an example, Mr Deputy Speaker, of a response by Mr Prowse to this question from Mr Collaery:

I would ask you to seek legal advice as to the effect of the Self Government Act which clearly indicates that we in this chamber are entitled to the immunities and stress the protections according to Parliament. And I put it to you, Mr Speaker - - -

There his question was broken off. Mr Prowse responded in defence of both the Serjeants-at-Arms and said:

I must say that both our Serjeant-at-Arms, the previous and the present, does have a black belt in macrame and he will protect us to the best of his ability ...

I suspect that the Serjeant-at-Arms does not have a black belt in macrame. On a selective reading of the Hansard, one could say that Mr Prowse had misled the Assembly. That is a silly selective reading. It is very humorous, but it is silly. If you read on through the Hansard, you will find reference by Mr Collaery to his car spending some time in the middle of a river.

Mr Collaery: Don't pick on me.

MR BERRY: Did the car spend time in the middle of the river? Who cares? Was it misleading? Did your car spend time in the middle of a river, I ask you?

Mr Collaery: It sure did.

MR BERRY: For how long - half a day?

Mr Collaery: Most of a day.

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