Page 4040 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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my colleagues in the Rally would consider their position on the motion. But Mr Connolly sits there, as he did many times during the Estimates, and he has done many times in the house, and continually tries to run his own story.

He has not been prepared to take the good advice that is offered to him by his staff. I would suggest that if he does that on more occasions he will probably come up a lot safer. As I said before, ministerial graveyards are full of people who have failed to listen to the advice given to them by their staff.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health and Minister for Sport) (4.49): I rise to move an amendment which has been circulated in my name. That amendment - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I cannot read a couple of words. Perhaps you could read that out, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Mr Deputy Speaker, had you been patient, I would have got to that. I understand the difficulty of reading things which sometimes are written in a hurry. I move:

That all words after "This" be omitted and the following substituted: "Assembly notes the agreement by Mr Connolly in the Estimates Committee that there would be efficiencies achieved as a result of the Government's Budget and furthermore notes that a complete reading of Hansard both in the Assembly and in the Committee confirms this position".

That is a clear and unequivocal statement about what has been said in relation to this matter. There is nothing more to be said. What has been beat up by Mr Duby makes a joke of the process.

When you are talking about censure motions, what you really need to talk about is substantive issues. I recall moving a censure motion against Mr Duby on 29 May 1990. I will read out the motion. It states:

That, noting that for the second time within two years the Minister for Finance and Urban Services, Mr Duby, has been convicted under the Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977, and noting that Mrs Robyn Nolan took the honourable part and stood down from the position of Mr Duby's Executive Deputy following a conviction under the Commonwealth Taxation Administration Act, this Assembly censures the Minister for Finance and Urban Services, Mr Duby, for failing to resign as Minister.

That is a substantive issue. That is not just nitpicking arising from Hansard. That is a substantive issue.

Mr Duby: Unlike misleading the Assembly.

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