Page 4012 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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I will highlight some of these initiatives, all of which are discussed in the body of the response. The first is the just mentioned review of domestic violence laws by the Community Law Reform Committee - recommendations 63 to 68. Legislation establishing the Office of the Community Advocate was passed by the ACT Legislative Assembly on 17 October 1991. The office will provide another level of safeguard to the vulnerable in our community. That relates to recommendation 23.

There is the network of 24-hour crisis services operating in the ACT, which has recently been supplemented by a 24-hour mental health crisis service; that relates to recommendation 26. The inquiry into behavioural disturbance amongst young people by the Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Social Policy, which is currently under way, will be considering the identification and management of behaviourally disturbed children, which relates to recommendation 41.

The current review into juvenile justice and adult corrections will examine matters raised in recommendations 92 and 93. The ACT Community Law Reform Committee is presently looking into victims of crime and has issued a public discussion paper on this matter; this relates to recommendations 13 and 60.

The establishment of the Conflict Resolution Service to provide alternative dispute settlement services to the community, and the extension of the service to include an adolescent mediation service, relate to recommendation 91. Finally, the efforts of the police to provide an effective community policing service relate to recommendation 72.

Mr Speaker, the Government is heartened to note that the committee does not see the development of a less violent society as the sole responsibility of governments. The Government shares the view that it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to make our contribution to a less violent society. Our communities are made up of individuals and families, and it is how we interrelate in those units that determines the society that we build. Through our education system, our family support programs and our community services, the Government can make a significant contribution in this area.

The committee also recognises that there are forces operating within our society which have enormous power to direct, influence and control our behaviours. In this regard, the Government is pleased to note that a number of recommendations have been directed to the media and sporting organisations, amongst others.

The Government believes that its contribution to a less violent society can best be made through ensuring that an appropriate legislative and policy framework is in place and that adequate and well-targeted services exist and are further developed to give the best possible effect to these laws and policies.

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