Page 4000 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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MS MAHER: I have a supplementary question. Can the Minister inform the house whether or not the licensing related functions in the children's day care services section will be losing positions from that area?

Mr Berry: On a point of order: This question was asked and answered last week.

MR SPEAKER: I am not aware of the answers there. I do not believe that it is an appropriate reason to stop the question.

MR CONNOLLY: The answer remains that which the Government is consistently giving, and that is that all administrative positions are being reviewed.

Ms Maher: Why don't you answer a question properly?

MR CONNOLLY: I am answering it. This is the person who accuses people of giving incorrect evidence; this is the person who conned her way into this Assembly by promising to abolish self-government; this is the No Self Government candidate, Ms Maher. It was the greatest con job committed, the greatest con job of a party that this town has ever seen!

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Connolly, resume your seat. Mr Connolly, I would ask you to withdraw that.

Mr Connolly: I am sorry, but I believe that that party was a con job on the community of Canberra.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Connolly!

Mr Connolly: I am sorry. It is unwithdrawable. She is in her third party in three years.

Mr Duby: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: At least Ms Maher won some votes, which is more than this man can say.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Connolly, your interpretation of conning might be different from mine, but I think you should withdraw that statement that was levelled against the member.

Mr Connolly: Given your party history, Mr Speaker, I will withdraw the statement that that party was a con job.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, you are getting worse.

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I ask that you direct this Minister to apologise to the house, not only to you, for his comments.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, I would ask you to refrain from putting yourself in the position where you might find yourself walking. Please refrain from that sort of action in the future.

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