Page 3962 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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I move:

Omit the clause, substitute the following clause:

"34. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Tribunal shall sit at such times and in such places in the Territory as the President determines.

(2) The Tribunal shall not sit in premises customarily used by a court, unless the President is satisfied that no other suitable premises are available or appropriate in the circumstances.".

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 35

MR COLLAERY (4.30): I move:

Page 15, lines 11 and 12, omit the words "(unless the President determines otherwise)", substitute ", so far as practicable".

The reason why that amendment is moved, with agreement as I understand it, is that there is arguably an oddity about that wording which says that the president shall do something and then says immediately afterwards "unless the president determines otherwise". It might be expressed in a more positive fashion in terms of those words that are in the suggested amendment.

Consideration interrupted.


MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! It being past 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Ms Follett: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

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