Page 3959 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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Clause 20

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (4.24): Clause 20 of the Bill authorises a duly appointed manager of a represented person's property to examine documents relevant to that person's property. Community groups have suggested that "access to" may be insufficient to convey the meaning that the manager is to have the authority to inspect the wording in the documents, some of which may be in sealed packages, such as a will. Amendment No. 2 standing in my name reflects those concerns of the community groups. I move:

Page 10, line 27, omit "access to", substitute "inspect".

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 21 to 25, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clauses 26 and 27, by leave, taken together.

MR STEFANIAK (4.25), by leave: I move:

Omit "Community Advocate" (wherever occurring) from each of the following provisions, substitute "Public Trustee":

Page 12, lines 8 and 9, subclause 26(1);

Page 12, line 24, subclause 27(1);

Page 12, line 35, paragraph 27(3)(b);

Page 13, line 1, subclause 27(4);

Page 13, line 8, subclause 27(5);

Page 13, line 10, subclause 27(6).

As I indicated yesterday, I seek to omit "Community Advocate" and replace it with "Public Trustee". Basically, the idea behind that is that the public trustee is a more appropriate person to manage and also examine accounts. Concerns expressed by the various community groups were accepted by the Liberal Party and accepted by the Government. There are some pros and cons in relation to that, but on balance I think the pros of having the public trustee do it far outweigh the cons. Accordingly, I commend to the house the amendments that appear in my name.

Amendments agreed to.

Clauses, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 28 to 31, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

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